RP Global Mission

RP Global Mission

Who we are. What we believe.

At our heart we are ones who believe God is gathering people for his kingdom from every tribe, people, and nation.

We believe that, as ones already bestowed with the title of “children of God,” we have been gifted the opportunity to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. 

With an emphasis on church planting, we send out missionaries equipped with a love for Jesus, the Word of God, and his church; and gifts and skills that would bolster a church planting work in a given field of focus.

We also partner with like-minded indigenous workers with whom God has brought us into relationship.

As the global missions arm of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, we carry with us a biblically reformed and presbyterian understanding of the gospel and the church. But we try to leave North America in its place and work with local believers to establish churches that are locally governed, supported, and propagated.

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