Great Christian Library

Great Christian Library

Welcome to Great Christian Library

This is your home for intellectual ammunition to help you grow in the Christian faith and to become better equipped to live and propagate the gospel message.
All works listed here provide you with direct links to on-line readers for your selection. All books are in the public domain and therefore totally free. Moreover you need not consume hard drive memory space with downloaded files, although you can download the files if you want. All books appear to be high quality scans. Most allow you to search the text, which makes them a valuable research tool. Some of the books will be available as audio files. Labels are provided to enable you to quickly locate a particular author or to identify all audio books.
Biographies and histories will be included to provide background and context for your study.
We will also link to audio lectures and sermons of our favorite speakers for contemporary commentary on authors, history, and Christian doctrine.
In some cases rare and very old books are available and will be posted for your perusal. These will be highlighted in a special area of the page.
A photo gallery of the authors is provided to enhance your visits. Other features of interest will be added from time to time, so visit frequently and make yourself at home.
You can now enjoy at the cost of a computer and an on-line connection (preferably high speed) a library that in years past would have cost a fortune. May God richly bless you in your studies.
Contact us if you would like to request a particular book/author or audio file, ask a question, report a problem, or make a comment.( You may also leave a comment for individual authors that other visitors can read and respond to.
Scroll down for your author selection and other offerings.
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