Billy Graham Archives

Billy Graham Archives

Resources on Billy Graham

Materials by or about Billy Graham are found across multiple collections at the Archives. Users can locate these items by searching the collections database or by consulting an Archives staff member for more information. Significant collections are listed below:

  • Collection 6: Papers of John Pollack. The author of Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography, Pollack's papers contain manuscripts, revisions, notes, and bibliographies documenting his research process on the life and ministry of Billy Graham.
  • Collection 8: Records of Christianity Today. Records describe the founding of the Christianity Today by Billy Graham in 1956 and its creation or acquisition of other publications such as Campus Life, Leadership, Leadership 100, Partnership, and Your Church. Besides material on the editing, publishing and distribution of these periodicals, the files also contain much information on evangelical viewpoints on theological, political, and cultural issues in American society from the 1950s on. The organization's involvement in the 1966 World Congress on Evangelism, the Key '73 evangelistic campaign, and the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelization is also documented. 
  • Collection 15: Papers of Billy Graham. A small collection of correspondence, sermon transcripts, and memorabilia. 
  • Collection 74: Ephemera of Billy Graham. A collection of correspondence, oral history interviews, audio/video materials, photographs, and oversize materials documenting Billy Graham's family history, education at Wheaton College, work as an evangelist, and influence as a public figure. 
  • Collection 285: Papers of Torrey Johnson. President and founder of Youth for Christ, Torrey's papers include materials documenting Billy Graham's early ministry as a YFC evangelist and ventures into religious broadcasting with Songs in the Night
  • Collection 590: Papers of John Stott. Collection documents Stott's work with the Lausanne Movement, including frequent collaboration with Billy Graham and the BGEA.
  • Collection 659: Papers of Roy Gustafson. Materials document Gustafson’s education and life’s work as a minister, evangelist, Bible teacher, and staff member of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Particularly well documented are the tours of the Holy Land (Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt) he led for several decades, his participation in ministries in Africa and Asia, and his active involvement in the worldwide activities of Samaritan’s Purse.
  • Collection 675: Papers of John Minder. Materials document the ministry of Christian and Missionary Alliance pastor John Minder about his mentorship of Billy Graham while Graham was a student at Florida Bible Institute (FBI) and about their continuing friendship. 
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