Presbyterian(PCUSA) Historical Society - Peal Digital Collections
The Presbyterian Historical Society leverages its collections and archival work to galvanize the transformative power of history in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and wider community. The Society’s digital collections, Pearl, supports this work by collecting, managing, preserving, and increasing access to its digitized and born-digital collections. Digital Collections provide congregations, researchers, and the general public with educational and inspirational resources that showcase Presbyterian and Reformed history and its relevance to American history and contemporary life.
In order to provide long-term preservation and access, the scope of the Digital Collections is dependent on technological resources and funding and must necessarily be more narrow and restrictive than that of the physical collections. The Digital Collections are particularly focused on themes related to overseas and national mission work, ecumenical and interfaith activities, education, and social and political issues and activism. Digital Collections include digitized and born-digital records; manuscripts; images; publications, including rare books; sound recordings; and moving images. At this time, access is not provided to digitized congregation or mid council records and most born digital records; however, efforts are being made to preserve this content.
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