RPCNA Archives
This web site is sponsored and funded by the History Committee of the Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA).
The mission of the History Committee of the RPCNA is to solicit, collect, arrange, describe, preserve and make available the historical record of the origin, development, programs, ministries, influence, liturgical practices, artifacts, photographs, and people of the RPCNA.; Examples of information collected are: institutional records of the denomination at its various levels; collect the personal papers and memorabilia of ministers and missionaries; provide facilities for the collections; provide reference services through the use of electronic archival files to those who desire to pursue their interest in the history of the RPCNA.
These RPCNA archives are located in a dedicated room at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 7418 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15208.
The archivists for the Reformed Presbyterian Archives are: Rev. Ralph E. Joseph, Mr. Josh Meneely, and Mr. John M. Mitchell. They may be contacted by email: archives@rpts.edu or by regular mail to the above address for RPTS.
We welcome contributions of items to the archives, as well as suggestions.
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