Reformed Presbyterian Church of Austrailia
We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God and therefore the Bible is only infallible rule of faith and life.
Believing them to be a clear statement of what the Bible teaches, we accept as our subordinate standards the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
Additionally, we hold to the following documents as a means of doing things in our churches decently and in order. (1 Corinthians 14:40)
RPCA Constitution
The constitution defines the beliefs of the church as well as terms used within the church. The terms as are follows; Governing Officers, Courts of the Church, Synod, Presbytery, Session, Congregation, Congregational Meetings, Trustees, Other Appointed Workers, and Constitution Amendment.
RPCA Testimony
The Testimony of the Reformed Presyterian Church of Australia contains the Churches’ views and current practices on the following subjects: Worship, Praise, Prayer, Reading and Preaching the Word, Offering, Benediction, Sacraments, and life issues.
RPCA Regulations
The regulations outline questions to candidates to office of elder, plan for Presbytery visitation, election and call of elders, Lord’s Supper regulations, and other regulations concerning the Churches’ practices.